Monday, September 22, 2014

Gilbert 1 Years Old! A year in Reflection...

12 Months

Height: 29"
Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz

Gil's Highlights:
Playing with TJ
Throwing food on the floor
Blowing kisses
Sleeping through the night
Words: Mama, Dah-de, up, uh-oh

This little one is so proud of the big boy he is!  So happy to Celebrate 1!

When I see this sweet face and this little body goes limp on my shoulder, I wonder why I worried about the arrival of this little love.  By the time I wrote about preparing for 2 babies so close in age I felt somewhat prepared and equipped for the task.  However, the first 2-3 months were a roller coaster. It seemed as if every time I felt I had a handle on it, I would be met with multiple days of disaster.

I finally found my groove and then it felt like time was slipping away.  With TJ, I had all the time in the world to take every moment in.  With Gil, a successful day sometimes just meant survival. For a while I felt like I missed things because I had been surviving instead of thriving.  So naturally, all my true crazy came out and I was trying to relish EVERYTHING.  I tearfully watched my baby grow. (Because this is GIL'S birthday post, I won't even get into my feelings on TJ growing up during all of this)

We all know a Mom who wishes each day away...they will be happy when/if: the baby sleeps through the night, they don't have to make dinner, their toddler is potty trained, they can run errands without buckling/unbuckling little ones a thousand times......I've been there.  I've wished the moments and days away.  But in that, I missed all the joy of what was happening.

Then there is the Mom who tries to hold on to every moment......everything they do on social media is #slowdown #growingtoofast...I'm kidding, but seriously, we all know how fast they grow.  This is the Mom who tries to hold on......with every step they are over emotional or try to hold a little too tight to their children.  Not allowing their children to truely meet their full potential.  I've been there.  I wanted to hold on tight and hope time would slow.  Once again, in wishing for what wasn't, I was missing what was.

 I had swung from one extreme to another (I'm sure post pregnancy hormones, sleep deprivation and husband gone on business travel had nothing to do with it ;)   I needed balance.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
"The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
 "therefore I will hope in him."  

Lamentations 3:22-24

I am so thankful for a Savior who has met me at each swing of my crazy pendulum and helped to restore balance.  With my hope found in Him I have experienced joy right where I am.  I am joyful in days that our greatest achievement is survival.  All family members and body parts are accounted for.  Sometimes in different times zones or countries, but accounted for nonetheless.  I find joy in days that I thrive.  Days when the house is spotless, the errands are complete, I fully engaged my children and my dinner should have been showcased on FoodNetwork.

Either way, "the Lord is my portion"

So, Gilbert Michael Gramp.  You are such a little dream.  You are so happy and sweet, no matter how tired or hungry.  You are friendly and love to greet people and you always make sure they notice you.  The word "No" does not faze you, no matter how stern it is said (oh boy).  You have become a blankie lover and quite the little snuggler.  TJ loves to play with you and often requests I make you stay by him. You are  the perfect addition to our family.  I can't imagine our family without our Gilby-do

Sunday, September 21, 2014

9, 10. 11

9 Months

Height: 27"
Weight: 19 lbs 3oz

Gil's Highlights:
6 teeth (almost 8!)
bothering TJ
almost/kind of crawling
Still only waking up once a night :)

*This little guy loves to eat!  He refused all types of baby food, including cereal!  But when it comes to table food he can't get enough

10 Months


Gil's Highlights:
8 teeth
Full crawler
Bothering TJ
Sometimes sleeping through the night :)

Like my haircut?

11 Months


Of course, I forget to take the last picture before he turns1! This is the only  picture I have closest to the right date.

Gil's Highlights:
Climbing up the stairs
Blowing kisses