Thursday, February 13, 2014

5 Months: Baby Teeth

Gil 5 Months

Weight: chubby wrists and rolls for days on his thunder thighs
Height: 6 month clothes are getting short
(I hope you like my very scientific measurements)

Gil's Favorite things:
rolling over (front to back and back to front)
being held
starting to like cereal
laughing at TJ
waking up at night
long naps

Gil is about to get his first tooth.  His little gum is red and swollen, I can see that little chiclet about to break through.  I'm sure it will make it's debut before the weekend is over.  As soon as that little pearly white shows itself, a little part of me will die.  I can't believe we are already here.  This time just feels so different.  With TJ I was excited as we met each milestone. I was never anxious to get there, but excited to see him grow.  This time I want to look up at the heavens and scream, "NO!!! MAKE IT STOP! I'm not ready".  The fleeting moments that make up what we call "childhood" are not lost on me.  I do not wish the days to pass quickly.  I may wish for the laundry to fold itself, self cleaning dishes/toilets and dinners to magically appear, but I never wish for babies to hold or comfort themselves.  As much as I really would like to sleep through the night, pretty much every night I continue to rock Gil after his little body gets still and heavy in my arms.  I still sneak into TJ's room every night and kiss his little head.  I tuck him in, watch his chest move up and down and brush the hair out of his peaceful little face.  I'm seriously that cliche.  Sometimes I think I was born for this very purpose.  Other times, I think to myself, I'm not made for this.  This whole parenting thing is crazy hard.  Loving little people this much is painful.  SIGH.  If you see me this weekend and I look like someone died, nope, Gil just got his first tooth.

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