Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our sweet boy is 1!  Everyone always says it, but I really can’t believe how fast this year went.  And yes, I did bawl like a baby the night before his birthday.  All I could think about was the next year and the next year and the next year…until he’s all grown up.  I realize that should bring me joy, but instead I thought about when he will no longer wake up crying and just want me to hold him, when giving Mama a snuggle is embarrassing and times when he just won't like me.  So, for now I take all these moments with him and enjoy.  I love watching him stand at the window watching in amazement, I love the way he crosses his feet when he sits in his highchair, I love the joy “peek-a-boo” can bring, I love the sound of his little voice, I love his chubby little wrists, I love his smell, I love his laugh and his awkward teeth.….Pretty much I love it all.

We had friends and family over for his birthday party.  Everything went great!  It was so fun to see him “play” with all of his little friends.  My parents were able to fly in for a visit and some of Tim’s family came from New Jersey.  I am sure T.J. will remember all the details and appreciate all of my hard work for many years to come :)  But just in case, I took some pictures!

Cupcakes :)

Of course TJ was the one who requested the Chick-fil-A nuggets 


TJ refused to eat or even really touch his smash cake :( 

TJ's new best buddy is Grandpa Mike

With so many visiting, the party turned into an all day event.   When dinner time came around we all decided to go out Carrabba’s .  Yummy!  We had a huge table full of laughter and babies full of spaghetti.  It was the perfect end to a perfect day. 
Oliver loved his spaghetti :)
As I look back at this last year, it has been made up of life changing events for our family.    Most of which were stressful and at times hopeless feeling.    However, my heart is joyful and  full of thanks.  God has been steadfast and faithful .  I can't wait to see where we'll be next year!

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