Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3 and 20

Here is the monthly update on the boys.  Now is when everyone but my Mom can quit reading :)  I always meant to do this for TJ, but never got around to it and all of the moving we did his first year made it hard.  So now that I am doing it for Gil, I will just do it for both.  I feel funny saying TJ is "20 months".  I never really understand parents who tell their toddlers age in months.....26, 32......I seriously once had a lady say her kid was 56 months!  I sat there trying to do the math in my head while I smiled and nodded.  People are odd.  Isn't it a general rule that after they turn 2, you just say 2 and in a few months you would just say 2 1/2 and then at about 4-5 you just give the whole number (as the parent. Kids love to say they are __ AND A HALF when they are in elementary school and I would never want to take their joy of 1/2 and sometimes even 1/4 away).

Gilbert 3 months:

Weight: pleasantly plump
Height: 23-24"

Since we don't have a scale, I am unable to give any update on weight.  However, as you can see, he is filling in nicely.  TJ was so FAT at this age that we consider Gil a "skinny" baby.  When I measured him, he was wiggling all around and it was just under 24" which seems about right.

Gil's Favorite things:
rolling over
being held
being held
making me stand and bounce while he takes a bottle
watching TJ
*waking up at night

*If you remember from last month, Gil was sleeping 8-10 hours every night.  He did this for over a month and suddenly stopped.  I am devastated.  TJ slept through the night at the same age, so it's all I know.  I realize how lucky I am.  To add insult to injury, TJ has been getting up at night too.  It's a conspiracy.  They love to tag team me.  If one gets up it is a guarantee that the other will wake up an hour or 2.

TJ 20 months:

weight: 28lbs at 18 month check up
height: about 33"

TJ's favorite things:
saying/doing SHHHHH!
running away for diaper changes
going outside
trying to pick up Gil 
making everything a phone
going outside
folding his hands and squinting his eyes to pray
waving goodbye to everything/everyone

I love watching their relationship develop.  Gil is fascinated with TJ and watches every move he makes.  Gil lights up the second he sees TJ.  TJ is so sweet and caring to Gil.  He has become quite the little mamma.  Always making sure Gil has everything he needs.  I an one blessed Mamma!

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