Thursday, January 23, 2014

4 and 22

Once again, I am behind.  It's just enough that TJ will magically jump 2 months in the post :)

Gilbert 4 months:

Weight: 15 lbs 10 oz
Height: 25 1/2 in

Gil's favorite things:
Being held
Being held
Being held
Snuggling into his blanket when he's tired
Watching TJ play
chewing on his hands
chewing on your shoulder or chin :)

Dear sweet baby Jesus, this little guy is turning out to be a handful.  This guy has done a full reversal in the sleep department.  Before he was even 2 months old he was sleeping 9-12 hours straight, now he is up 3-4 times a night!  Thank goodness he is as sweet as ever, because these long nights are tough.

TJ 22 Months:


TJ's Favorite things:

Unfortunately, he finally discovered the word "mine"
Playing with Gil
Helping {aka getting into everything}
"Singing" along at church
Expressing his opinion :)

I love that they love each other.  Not that they even know what that means yet.  Gil lights up when TJ is close by.  Although TJ has been into helping with Gil, he is just now starting to take a real interest in him.  Gil HATES tummy time, so TJ gets down on his tummy and talks to him and brings him toys to make him stop fussing.  Love these two!

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