Wednesday, April 9, 2014

7 months

Height: 9 month clothes just fit in length 
Weight:  Chub, chub, chubby
(agian, my very scientific measurements)

Gil's Highlights:
Completely independent sitter
3 teeth (all on the bottom, the top 2 are coming any day)
Wants desperately to crawl, but makes almost no progress
Smiles at everyone
Reaches up his little arms to get picked up (my heart melts every time)
Loves to watch/play with TJ
Still gets up 2-3 times a night :(

I am so in love with this crazy haired happy boy.  My 5 month post on Gil was filled with my laments about him growing too fast.  Well, in the last week we put away the swing, bouncy chair and bath chair....and I'm proud to say I did so without crying and shaking my fists to the heavens.  These transitions/milestones felt natural and joyous.  I guess I'm growing too :)