Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gilbert Michael

Our sweet miracle #2 joined us on Wednesday September 4, 2013. 

Gilbert Michael Gramp
8lbs 8oz
20 inches
9:48 am

After months of agonizing over how this little one would make his enterance, he came through the zipper in my belly.  To say I didn't want another c-section is beyond an understatement.  Then again, I really didn't want to "have" the baby any way.  I was hoping some how the baby would just magically appear.  No labor, no pushing, no cutting, just!  Apparently with all of the medical advances today, that is not yet an option.    Everything went perfectly (besides the panic attack I had in the operating room that almost lead me to pushing a nurse and running out of the operating room screaming) and much to our surprise out popped a screaming baby BOY!

Although we had no idea if it was going to be a boy or girl, EVERYONE thought I was having a girl.  I was told by family, friends, strangers in target....heck, even some of the labor and delivery nurses said I had a "girl" bump.  When the Dr. said, "It's a boy!" Tim jumped up, dropped my hand and ran over to make sure they had inspected the baby's "parts" correctly.  When he remembered I was there came back to me he was literally crying tears of joy!  I guess the good Lord saw it fit to spare him the fear and torment of fathering a little princess.

I now have a house full of boys and a heart full of joy!  I can't wait to watch TJ and Gil grow together and become best friends!

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