Sunday, April 9, 2017

Day 1 & Day 2

My parents took the kids so we could deal with the movers.  This gave us a little bit of time after the movers left and some time the next morning.  It is amazing the work that we completed in those few hours without 3 little kids.

We removed all of the carpet, carpet pads and weird crumbly, distentigraded carpet pads.  Shout out to Tim on this one.  He removed the carpets from the bedrooms that were still wet with dog urine!  N-A-S-T-Y.  We bleached the sub floors in efforts to get rid of the smell.  Although, upon returning today, we found out it's going to need more than bleach to get rid of the smell.  Insert, my complete panic that the smell won't go away.  We are going to live in a smelly house.  We are going to die from dog urine inhalation....and probably absestos.  Oh, and lead paint.  Anyway.....I removed the wallpaper from the living room.  Tim removed 90% of the tile floor in the dinning room while I white washed the fireplace.

Then we went home, burned our clothes and bathed in bleach.

Here are the videos of the parts we finished.

I didn't get video of the fireplace, so here's the before-ish (I had painted a few stones) and the after.

I don't dislike how it turned out, but I don't like it just yet.  It's definitely better, but still lacking.  I think once the walls are painted, we add a dark wood mantel and wood floors it will look better.  I suggested getting a sprayer and painting it completely white, Tim suggested drywalling over it.  I guess it's still up for debate.

I'm happy with the progress we made in 2 days, but now we just sit by and wait.  The renovations can't start until our permits are cleared.  That could be another 4-6 weeks! We are desperately praying for a miracle that it won't truly take that long.  We can continue with demo, but we won't have a dumpster until the contractors start.  We don't want our first impression to the neighborhood be a pile of junk in driveway for a month.  But, really most importantly, some of the walls being removed are weight bearing and you can't tear those down until you are ready to replace the support.  So we wait.  And then probably wait a little more.  In the mean time, we are finalizing the fun stuff like floors, kitchen remodel and all sorts of hardware/finishes.

The time frame on renovations feel hopeless.  Originally, we wanted to move in by the end of May.  Now, our goal is sometime before July.  My no joke-"I'm going to kill somebody" date is before TJ starts kindergarten.  So basically, we have no idea.  But, mark my word, my baby's first day of school picture will be on my new front step.

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