Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lemons make Lemonade

My friend Maggie has a lemon tree in her yard and she brought me a bag full of lemons.  When friends give you lemons, make lemonade!

 I have never made real lemonade before, I had no idea how easy it would be!  I looked up multiple recipes for lemonade, they all had the same 3 ingredients (water, sugar, lemon juice...pretty simple).  Each recipe called for a different ratio of these ingredients so, I decided to let my taste buds be my guide.  When I was finally satisfied, this was my recipe:

6 cups water
1 cup of sugar
1 1/3 cup of lemon juice (for me this was 4 lemons, but my lemons were pretty big)

I also had some old(scary, almost moldy) strawberries, I put them in my poor-man's "magic bullet" and  voila! Strawberry puree :)  I added a spoonful to each glass of was de-lish!!

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