Friday, May 4, 2012

So I guess it's been a while....

I'm jumping back on the blog waggon.  I've been meaning to for some time now, but life kept happening.  Now I am so far behind on the things I would have wanted to write about, I am not sure where to begin.  So, I present: "a year in review" ....

Last May, I quit my job at Central Christian School and decided to go back to teaching full time.  Of course this sounds ridiculous, but I was super bored working part time.  I had very few friends and Big Love was traveling all the time, I needed something to do.  I applied for a teaching position with the DOE. In Hawaii you apply with the state and once you are accepted your name goes on a list and you wait for a call.  I was a little anxious to start over again (for those of you who don't know, due to my many moves, I have taught at a new school every year for the past 4 years), but I was also ready to be back in the classroom full time.  So I waited........and took a little intermission the whole month of the form of a trip to Italy :)  

Font Di Trevi
But, first we had to make a pit stop in Germany so Big Love could do a little work

Not here specifically, but wow!  Isn't this gorgeous!?  Germany was beautiful!

We visited 5 main cities/areas; Venice, Cinque Terre, Florence, Tuscany and Rome. 

Cinque Terre


 Ponte Vecchio

We were able to catch part of the Palio in Siena.  It's hard to tell, but there is a full fledged riot in front of us.  We were able to witness an Italian beat down!  At one point Big Love actually picked me up and ran!  It was definitely one of the craziest experiences of my life!

View of Tuscany from our balcony

 The Vatican
Needless to say, we had an amazing time!  Despite my month long intermission during prime teacher hiring, I was hired as a Jr. Kindergarten teacher at a school only miles from my house.  I was so blessed, it is seriously one of the best school to work at on the whole Island.  I got the job the week we returned and started the following week.  For all of my teacher friends, I am sure you can relate to how stressful the beginning of the school year can be.  So imagine the added stress I had when I was suffering from what I thought was jet lag and generally ill feelings ..............well, I guess this little guy was making himself known long before I ever met him :)  Apparently we had a REALLY good time in Italy.

With a face like this, it's no wonder he was making my life difficult :) 

That pretty much sums up the last year.  Wow, it's crazy to think how much things can change in a year.  I went from being a stay-at-home wife, to teaching full time, to being a stay-at-home mom.  God has amazing timing.

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