Monday, May 7, 2012

Walking in Hawaii

In an attempt to lose the "baby weight" every morning I put Baby Love in the Bjorn and we are off.  We live in a valley, so I always feel like I am Dora the Explorer;  pass the mountains,  into the grass forest and through the land of trees....{I can hear Boots' voice in my head as I say it}

pass the mountain....

into the grass forest......

and through the land of trees.

In order to have a successful walk there are a few rules:
1. Never leave after 8am, you will die from sweat and sun burn
2.  Always face Baby Love out in the Bjorn {even when he is too little and doesn't have good head control}  Otherwise he will scream the ENTIRE time.
*3.  Always keep an eye out for the local animal species

*3 is very important!  During early morning walks you will encounter two types of animals; feral cats and wild boars.  Both of these are no joke and can be scary!  The wild boars are the easy ones, most of the time, they run back into the grass when you get close.  However, every so often a big Papa boar will stand his ground and even take a few steps toward you.  That is why I always know where the nearest light post is so that in case Papa decides to charge I can quickly climb to safety {I am serious}.  You might be asking yourself, cats...really?  Yes, until you have had a pack of stray cats start following/chasing you with all of their diseases {cat scratch disease anyone?}, you have no idea how creepy it can be.  I am not a cat person to begin with and when they start rubbing on my leg I want to kick them.  I  do refrain, but I may "gently" nudge them yet, they keep coming at me.  Then I pick up the pace and say things like "go away" or "RARRR" to scare them.  It doesn't usually work.  After a block or so they typically give up on you and go back.  Sometimes I just start to run...sometimes it helps to run screaming {again, I am serious}.

My little walks can be quite the adventure.  Feel free to call me Dora, I go on adventures, I have a backpack {aka bjorn} and a little friend that goes with me.  Only problem is I am not 4, tan with brown short hair, nor do I speak spanish, but whatever.  I enjoy the fresh air and getting a little exercise.  Baby Love enjoys........well, let's be honest, he's just a baby :)

*unfortunately the one time I bring my camera there were no wild boars and very few cats out.  I will have to follow up later with a few pictures of the local species.

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