Tuesday, May 13, 2014

8 months

Gilbert Michael

Height: Starting to wear 12 month clothes
Weight: 18lb 6oz (about 2 weeks ago)

Gil's Highlights:
Clapping his hands
Pulling TJ's hair
Showing off his 5 teeth
Starting to sleep at night :) 
*Finally we are back to up only once a night!!

Seriously, this little guy is such a dream!  He is the sweetest thing ever. Ever.  Obviously every mama thinks their baby is the sweetest.  I did too when I had TJ.  Then I had Gil, and I found out what it was to actually have the sweetest baby, not just think I had the sweetest baby.  I am so in love.


Height: Finally fitting 2T pants
Weight: no idea

TJ is 2.  Very, very 2.  I love it.  Every single minute.  From stinky to sweet in the blink of an eye.  My biggest challenge is trying to keep a straight face when giving serious 'I'm the one in charge' talks.  When I ask for a picture he says, "no pit-ers mama"  But, when I try to take a 'pit-er' without him this is what I get :)

*note the sweet little skinned knees peeking out of his FAVORITE "daddy shorts" aka basketball shorts.  Big Love goes to the gym every night before he comes home from work, so I think TJ thinks this is all Daddy wears :)  In true little boy fashion, he wants to be just like Daddy.  This kid wants to wear 'daddy shorts' everyday.  I had to go out and buy plain t-shirts to wear with them.  He was looking real silly with his polo shirts and basketball shorts.  Gosh I despise these shorts.  I may have willingly lost the battle of these ugly shorts and my personal rule against wearing tacky play clothes, but we have yet to own or even desire any sort of character clothing.  I will stand my ground on character attire.....until  it makes him just as happy as 'daddy shorts' ;)

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