Monday, July 24, 2017

Finally Progress

We are just finishing up our 3rd week of glamping and so far so good.  It is equal parts better and worse than I expected.

All 5 of us in one room is working out better than I expected. I forgot to show our room in the video, but I'll make sure to next time.  It is set up the same as when we moved in, but a bit more organized.  

The boys basically play outside morning, noon and night.  They love it and are filthy within 5 minutes of leaving the house.  Lulu is the challenge during this time.  It's hard enough for the boys to stay away from construction dangers.  Lulu is a bit of a wanderer and is now able to open doors.  I cant even begin to count the number of times she has let herself out and I find her playing with debris by the dumpster!

Last week the Framer and his crew were working.  I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, as we only go into the house to use the bathroom. Well, as soon as you have to start walking through a crew of men to go to the bathroom, you realize the inconvience of how often children use the bathroom, the lack of any sort of privacy and the nasty nature of sharing a bathroom with construction workers.  It was a long 6 days.  Thankfully, they were super quick and it was only 6 days, not the 2 weeks originally quoted.

The electrician started today and should be done sometime next week.  When he got here this morning I had to do a full house walk through finalizing where every switch, light and outlet will be placed.  A lot of it is silly, but then you wonder, when it's all done will I have wanted that outlet 6 inches to the left or to the right?  Or, I have to decide now the EXACT placement of bathroom sconces without the vanity, mirrors or even walls in place. #firstworldproblems

The boys start school in 3 weeks.  3 weeks!?!?  I still haven't found all of their clothes.  I've found all boxes labeled 'boys clothes' but definitely haven't found all of their clothes. That is the bummer to having a moving company pack.  The few boxes I did pack, well I can tell you exactly where all of the extra towels, blankets, throw pillows and no longer needed baby stuff is.  Needless to say, after almost 7 months of wearing the same suitcase of clothes, I think im going to have to break down and buy them clothes.  Darn 😁

That's it for now, hopefully in 2 weeks I should have more completed progress!

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